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__How to Write a Book Proposal__ Every aspiring author wants to write one book. Makes sense, right? But not everyone knows where or how they should start. In the world of publishing, your first step is your proposal letter. The proposal will cover what you want from the publisher, why you're writing this book, and what their role in the project would be. It's up to you whether or not you make this a formal document or email it as an attachment to your editor. Whatever you decide, your goal in writing your proposal is to explain why this book will be a success. That's the only way you'll sell it to the publisher. __Book Proposal Checklist__ 1. What Is Your Book About? Describe yourself in the book with quotes, thoughts, and anecdotes. What are you trying to accomplish? And don't use any of these words in your book! "Emotional/heart wrenching" or "Inspirational" are just too vague for most publishers, but use them when you're pitching your book to an editor at a convention center. 2. Take Advantage of the Permissions Approach Why are you writing this book? What do you hope it will accomplish? A writer only gets one chance to sell his or her work to a publisher. Make sure you show the publisher why they should trust you with their next project. 3. Find Aligned Interests You've already answered that question in step 1, but don't forget to address it again here. Who is your target audience for this book? This is where you can give publishers all of your research on what they publish and how their readers would find this book appealing. 4. Have a Selling Title Be sure to have a good title for your book. Even if you have a great title, spend some time thinking about how to sell it. Who is your audience? What do they want to know? Why should they buy this book? Give them something that will grab their attention and make them want to know more. 5. Have Your Contact Information Have your contact information on the front cover of the document (and also in the body of your proposal). Proofread everything before submitting it. If it doesn't look professional, you won't be taken seriously. 6. Communication In Your Book Proposal In your proposal, tell the publisher what you expect from them in terms of communication. Tell them how often you will be in touch with them and when, and specify how they will learn about your progress. What steps will they have to take in order to get a preview or proof? __GLOSSARY__ Advance: a check sent to a writer before a manuscript's publication Editors: persons who are experienced in supervising manuscript production of books Editing: the process of making changes to book manuscripts which are written by authors Editorial Letter: letters that editors send out to authors asking questions or requesting revisions on manuscripts which have been submitted for the publisher's consideration. cfa1e77820

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